Hills Higher English Medium School
HILLS HIGHER ENGLISH MEDIUM SCHOOL was established in 2011 and it is managed by the Private Unaided Management. It is located in urban area . It is located in IDAR block of SABAR KANTHA district of GUJARAT. The school consists of Grades from 1 to 5. The school is co-educational and it has an attached pre-primary section. It has got 2 teachers for pre-primary section. The school is non-residential in nature and is not using school building as a shift-school. During the previous academic year; the school functioned for 225 days. It had no academic inspection and was 3 times visited by the CRC Coordinator during the previous academic year. It was not visited by the BRC Coordinator. Â English is the medium of instructions in this school. This school is approachable by all weather road. In this school academic session starts in June.The school is approachable by all weather road.School Management Committee (SMC) has been constituted in this school.The school has implemented continuous & comprehensive evaluation (CCE).The school is maintaining children’s record as per RTE.The school has a boundary wall.The school has got computer in the school and all are functional.The school has computer aided learning lab.The teachers are professionally qualified.The school has a regular Head Master/Teacher.The school was inspected during the previous academic year.The school was visited by the CRC Coordinator during the previous academic year.There are female teachers in the school.The school has got girls’ toilet.The school is providing Mid-day meal.